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A member registered Feb 02, 2023

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(1 edit)

Hey, does someone got recommendations for the locked site? i've been trapped there trying to get the coins and the monster just kills me everytime...

You can go look for the scissors in the train station, or solve the puzzle looking closely at the lamps.  A comment said that if you look at them like:

1    4

2    5

3    6

then the answer is 23461.

So, my theory was correct, i just didn't throw the fish, haha! thank you so much!!

(1 edit)


Is possible to get out of the fairy ring!? how did you make it out?

Thank you so much!!!

it's one of those annoying puzzles. just take the scissors with you, then cut the cords, that will help.

Did someone find the runes? i've been looking for the second rune for hours, i can't find it anywhere. haha...

iM SO HAPPYY!! I love this game since Project Kat!! 

everything is so perfect! i love the graphics, the scenarios, the characters! (Sai, i love him) keep the good work, i´ll always make fanarts of this masterpiece!